A description of the interface

Interface "Calculator..." includes 5 screen forms, each of which reflects one of the 5 stages of calculation:

1st stage is working with a "portfolio" of finished projects (of the previous calculations) or creates a new project;
2nd step – enter data about the object of evaluation that are necessary for geocoding and search for analogs;
3rd stage-the search and selection of analogs;
4th stage-the choice of pricing factors and applying correction coefficients;
5th stage – results and export the original data.

The procedure for determining the probable market value of the property based on the principle "step by step", each step is a consequence of the full implementation of the previous one. The confirmation of the execution of actions at each stage, record the result of these actions, and the transition to the next stage is carried out after pressing the button "Next step" or a graphic image right Arrow and by moving the graphic image "slider" on the "line of stages".


The temporary or final rejection of a project (switch to the next after the current stages) can be carried out at any time by clicking on the graphic image of the cross in the upper right corner of the screen form.


Maintaining the portfolio of each project is carried out immediately after execution of the second phase (data entry about the object of evaluation that is necessary for geocoding and search of analogs) and the transition to the 3rd stage (the choice is unique).

A return to a fully or partially completed project to view the full run and making adjustments and refinements can be converted by selecting it in the portfolio at stage 1.

Allowed making any changes to the project saved in the portfolio, in addition to changing the address of the object of study. Any clarification of the address of the object at the 2nd stage is perceived by the system as a new project.

The system interface involves the use of operational assistance to the user in the form of short text messages, access to which is possible to obtain guidance by token of the manipulator "mouse" on stamped in the form of a graphic image "question mark". For the convenience of using the system for some categories of data through operational assistance user can get direct access to help "Bank of knowledge".
