Kukharskaya Olga

Head of valuation of intellectual property rights, Director of "UVECON INTELLECT»
The leading expert-the appraiser Ukrainian society of appraisers.

Higher education, specialty "Engineer-economist". Candidate of Economic Sciences. Experience in practical assessment activities 17.

Qualification certificate of an appraiser for valuation of objects in tangible form (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5), as well as the assessment of integral property complexes, shares, securities, property rights and intangible assets, including valuation of rights to objects of intellectual property.

Co-author of the book "Valuation of the rights to objects of intellectual property: method relief from royalty" as well as of several publications on business valuation and intangible assets.

Lectures on evaluation in the Information-consultation center of the Ukrainian society of appraisers and International Institute of Business (Ukraine).

A member of the Committee on standards and methodology of the Ukrainian society of appraisers.