NBU postponed the date of entry into force of the provision establishing the criteria for subjects of assessment

NBU postponed the date of entry into force of the Regulations No. 351, establishes criteria for the subjects of assessment activities that evaluate the Deposit banks. More detail on the website of the NBU.

Recall that the Board of the National Bank of Ukraine 23.01.2018 g. adopted Resolution No. 3 "On amendments to some regulatory legal acts of the National Bank of Ukraine".

In particular, section X of the Regulations, "Criteria and principles for admissibility of collateral for credit operations with the aim of reducing credit risk" paragraph 107 contained a paragraph that caused some objections. For this reason, on 2 March at the initiative of the Ukrainian society of appraisers held a roundtable on the theme: "Cooperation of appraisers and commercial banks: the new law of the NBU and their impact on the market of valuation services." The main issue discussed during the roundtable was to determine the reason for the appearance of new requirements and their implications for the cooperation of appraisers and commercial banks.