Determining the market value of rights to marks for goods and services "Stolichnaya"

By order of the State concern of alcohol and liquor industry (Concern "Ukrspirt") conducted work to determine the market value of rights to marks for goods and services "Capital."

A trademark for goods and services "Capital" as at the valuation date in their work used 13 companies (12 of the state distilleries and company "Soyuz-Victan) under licensing agreements with the concern "Ukrspirt".

During the work were investigated the income of the concern "Ukrspirt" from granting rights to use the trademark for 6 years prior to the valuation date.

To determine the market value of rights to marks for goods and services "Capital" studied the financial documentation of 13 companies, the calculated share of earnings attributable to a trademark that is used by them in the process.

Work on the determination of the market value of trademark rights was carried out by two methods under the income approach.

We used the practical experience of specialists of the company "UVECON", is described in the manual "Evaluation of the rights to objects of intellectual property. Method relief from royalty." (Kuharskaya О.B., Podlipskaya A. A., Chirkin A.N., 2015).