Detailed research of real estate market segments, cities and regions of Ukraine, analysis of supply and price dynamics

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Economy branch: Real estate
Kind: Market research
Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English
Detailed research on the segments of the real estate market can solve most of the typical problems facing all investment, development and real estate companies.

First, it is an express evaluation of new sites. The result of our research will help instantly draw the first conclusion about the approximate level of prices for one or another type of object in one or another place.

Second, it is an assessment of the competitive environment, which allows you to supplement the approximate level of prices in one area or another, an understanding of the number of competitors, and the list of companies that sell these objects.

With a report on detailed research, it is easy and fast to make short analytical references, marketing conclusions.
In addition, the results of research of a particular segment of the market allow a detailed analysis of the parameters of all competing objects, which is the basis for drawing up a marketing task for the design of a new object.

Researchers can be executives and owners of real estate companies, marketers, and analysts of such companies, whose work on the basis of ready-made data is easier and more efficient.

Most companies do not have the opportunity to independently conduct research of the entire market as a whole, and each time collect data only from the necessary sites or rely only on statistics on their objects. The presence of a complete overview of a particular segment of the market significantly simplifies the solution of all tasks.

Studies can be conducted in complex or on a separate segment of real estate in one or several regions of Ukraine.