Research of the residential real estate market of Ukraine

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Economy branch: Real estate
Kind: Market research
Language: Ukrainian, Russian, English
In a market economy, real estate occupies a special place, as it simultaneously performs a number of unique functions - it is part of the means of production, serves as the basis for economic activity and development for enterprises, serves as the basis for the personal existence of citizens and is used by them for non-productive consumption.

The significant role of real estate in the economic and social spheres is confirmed by the presence of a large base of legal regulation of relations, operations, professional activities in the real estate market.

Competition in the real estate market every year is increasing. The discovery of a new object is now impossible without conducting a competent marketing research and development of the concept. Existing players of the market are forced to constantly monitor the market situation, from time to time to review their concept.

The development of the real estate market is directly dependent on decision-making based on its research and analysis. There is an objective need for statistical estimation and analysis of laws and contingencies in the development of the real estate market.

That is why analytical real estate market research is now in demand by its participants, and by the state among them. Of particular importance is the study of regional real estate markets in the first place, residential, because it is here that there are major market transformations.

Studies can be conducted in complex or on a separate sub-segment of residential real estate in one or several regions of Ukraine.