Land management and geodesy
In 2007 the group of companies "UVECON" was founded the company "UVECON land", specializing in conducting an evaluation of land plots (see "valuation of the immovable property") and provides services for land management and geodesy.During this period completed more than 600 works in almost all regions of Ukraine. High qualification of the specialists in the field of land management will allow You to obtain quickly and efficiently the following services:
in the field of land management:
- registration of ownership rights to land (Developed on the basis of the decision, resolution or order, depending on the location of the land plot);
- the assignment of cadastral numbers of the land and the production of the XML file (Need to make the land base of State land cadastre);
- change the target use of land plots (Developed on the basis of a notarized statement of the owner of the site and the General Plan or a detailed plan of the territory);
- the splitting and merging of land (Developed on the basis of a notarized statement of the owner (s) who wishes to divide or consolidate a land plot);
- inventory of land (Required for the resolution of disputes between owners or to change the configuration of the land plot);
in the field of geodesy:
topographic survey of the area, scale 1:500-1:2000 (required for the construction of the passport, the sweat addresses the development of technical conditions for connection to the mains or gas, to develop a detailed site plan and other design decisions);
the removal and establishment of land boundaries (This procedure is necessary for a clear understanding of where there is land and where is its boundary on the ground according to the State land cadastre);
the breakdown and securing the main axes of buildings and structures on the site (This type of work is important before you start construction because the accuracy performance depends on the reliability of structures all elements of the building);
as-built survey (Required to implement the control over carried out works of the builders, that is, to determine the deviation of the existing building and facilities of the project);
calculation of earthworks (This work is carried out to determine the amount of cut or fill which have resulted from excavation, backfill, storage of raw materials);
cadastral survey (the Overall survey is part of the land management documentation, which reflects the existing land with located on it infrastructure within a radius of 10-15 meters from the border (fence, fence, adjacent users, communications, security zones, etc.).