Estimate consulting

Construction is a complex business process that involves continuous interaction between the developer, contractor, investor, regulatory authorities and individuals in time using big tools and implements complex actions, the purpose of which is the scheduled completion of construction and successful commissioning of the facility.

Each stage of construction-from design, coordination, verification, and input of object in operation is connected with a significant financial risk that may be detected after an exhaustive analysis of design and estimate documentation and its application.

Specialists group of companies "UVECON", having accumulated years of experience, offer their Clients services cost consulting, which is a relatively new service in Ukraine.

Estimate consulting, first and foremost, you need to:
  • the determination of the value of an object at all stages of construction;
  • analysis of project-estimate documentation;
  • analysis of compliance with all regulations in the construction and delivery of objects in operation;
  • determination of the completion of the incomplete construction objects;
  • investment assessment of construction projects of any complexity and completeness;
  • assessment of damage from the impact of accidents, emergencies, natural disasters;
  • risk minimization and process optimization in construction.

For professionals appraisers

In accordance with the current regulatory framework on issues of property valuation, the Appraiser during the assessment, the right to use (has the ability to build), the design and estimate documentation. In the National standard assessment No. 1, the opportunity provided by paragraph 26, and paragraphs 8, 10.

In fact, project documentation brings together a large number of documents that accompany the construction phase of the project t the commissioning of the object finished by construction. Each stage of project planning, coordination, verification, construction associated with the large physical volume of documentation.

An exhaustive analysis of design documentation and the ability to retrieve and apply required information that it contains, you need to have enough knowledge and skills.
Therefore, for the use of any information from an array of design estimates for the solution to the issues of determining the cost of construction, or the application of the method of single indicators, or the decision of a question of the typicality of the object, and so on, often need consultingdesign documentation, which will allow you to define and find the necessary information and correctly apply it.

When ordering services, valuation consulting, our consultants will conduct a comprehensive study and an independent assessment of:

  • deadlines
  • volumes
  • cost
  • and other financial and technical parameters of the construction.
For professionals quantity surveyors

In accordance with the current regulatory framework in the field of construction, in the preparation of the investor's estimate documentation stage "P"(design) shall be entitled to use (has the ability to build), the design and estimate documentation.

In at least two important phases of his work, the estimators use the same indicators that the evaluators:
  • the step of determining the class of consequences (responsibility) and category of difficulty of objects (DSTU-N B V. 1.2-1662013 with changes in 2017);
  • at the stage of determining the estimated cost of the project (DSTU B D. 1.1-7-2013 changes 2017).
At the stage of assigning an object to a particular class of effects, the calculation of most of the objects are indicators of the estimated cost of the project-analogue/values of the object-analogue.

To determine the estimated cost of project works from construction costs base to which to apply the average percentages of the cost of design works is the cost of construction works according to the nomenclature of chapters 1-9 of PKR, which is determined by a design work according to value indicators of similar projects; paragraph, 5.2.3 give details about the possibility of using aggregated average construction cost for functional unit ( 1 sq m 1 cu. m etc) in the market price level.

For investors and developers

The application of the estimated consulting of construction projects allows investors/owners and customers to get the actual estimate of construction work at any stage according to the criteria: accuracy of the executed amounts of works and their cost, compliance with established norms, preparedness and the cost of the money spent/object construction time.
Experts "UVECON" will provide for You:
  • a thorough analysis of the design-budget documentation and financial and economic indicators of the project;
  • technical inspection of the construction;
  • compliance with the target use of funds, materials, equipment and services at market prices.
The client will receive full service with recommendations, including the evaluation of the object construction at all stages of readiness that will allow you to make an informed decision about construction in General, and to prevent any risks.

We will gladly share our expertise for your successful business!