Real estate appraisal
Real estate in most cases is the most valuable of the physical assets of businesses and individuals.
So, an independent real estate valuation is an important procedure necessary for effective property management. A high level of performance of services for the valuation of real estate enterprises of the group of companies "UVECON" is provided by years of practical experience and the presence of its own Information-analytical center of research of real estate market.
Real estate appraisal is necessary for almost all transactions in respect of immovable property, namely:
- valuation for lending purposes;
- valuation for the purpose of disposal (state, communal and private property);
- assessment for the purpose of further calculation of rent for state and communal property;
- rating for display/adjustment of financial statements;
- evaluation for insurance purposes;
- the estimate for the solution of property disputes;
- in other cases, the consent of the parties and in cases provided by the legislation of Ukraine.
Stationary objects of evaluation are divided into:
- land plots (their parts), do not include improvements;
- land plots (their parts), land containing improvements;
- land improvements
We also provide valuation services and consulting services for the valuation indicators:
- land;
- non-residential buildings (industrial, warehouse, retail or office, and other types);
- residential real estate (apartments, dwelling houses);
- structures (roads, driveways, buildings, tanks, fences, etc.);
- objects of unfinished construction.
It should be noted that the vast majority of assessments of real property is performed with the aim of determining the market value, not focusing on the value of its physical components - land, and improvements. However, there is the scope of the assessment, where it is necessary to establish the market value of each of these components. Such a need arises in accounting, the taxation, and property insurance, as well as in the resolution of property disputes connected with compensation of losses to owners and users of real estate.
Monetary evaluation of land plots depending on the purpose and procedure can be normative and expert. Specialists group of companies "UVECON" provide the services of an expert monetary assessment.
Expert monetary valuation of land is necessary in case of:
- the implementation of civil-legal agreements concerning land plots and rights to them (disposal, donation, inheritance);
- collateral;
- insurance;
- the definition of investment contribution to the implementation of the investment project on land improvement;
- a reflection of the value of land in the accounting records;
- the decision of the court;
- other cases with the consent of the parties determined by the laws of Ukraine.
Our staff quickly and efficiently conduct any type of evaluation of real estate, whether it is a country house, apartment, land or commercial property.
We thoroughly examine the condition of the evaluated object, taking into account all factors affecting its value: location, availability, and quality of infrastructure, distance from major Mstiora centers, transportation, environmental situation, etc.
The results of the execution of works, our Clients receive a valuation Report of immovable property has the status of an official document of evidentiary value because it can be performed with the strict observance of the current legislation on a valuation of property and property rights.
Also, experts of the group of companies information on conducted review of valuation Reports of real property made by other appraisers.