A seminar on topical issues of evaluation was held at the Uvecon headquarters in the framework of corporate training of employees.

fter a short break in the office of Uvecon, training seminars for the company's employees resumed.

The management of companies that value their reputation is well aware of the importance of maintaining a high level of employee competence and, accordingly, business efficiency. Therefore, more than ten years ago, we chose an effective and, importantly, free way to improve staff skills. This is the so-called training "on their own", taking into account the presence in the company of lecturers basic courses of assessors. In addition, our main specialists, "armed" with the practice of daily exchange of experience with colleagues, are always ready to join the classes.

Thus, on November 25, a seminar was held for the company's employees on topical issues of evaluation. Specialists from the Lviv branch of the Company and Uvecon Kharkiv specialists came to the company's head office. At the seminar we listened to the following reports:

Smolnikova SM Head of the Department.

Evaluator's responsibility: from identifying the object of evaluation to compiling the report. Features and assessments of real estate with protection status. Competencies of the appraiser in determining the technical condition of real estate.

Mikhno AP Head of Department.

Current issues of interaction with banks. Problems of valuation of certain types of real estate and ways to solve them. Tasks of internal monitoring of the quality of evaluation reports.

Chirkin AM Director of Uvecon Kharkiv.

  • Profitable approach. Calculation and justification of replacement costs as part of operating costs in determining net income;
  • Practical features of building income indicators in the evaluation of real estate with commercial potential - what to look for;
  • Practical features of determining the discount rate.

It should be noted that the value of such classes is that the topic of the class is selected taking into account current issues of employees and managers of the company. This allows not only to improve skills, but also to quickly solve emerging tasks and problems.